BHP Cage Winder Upgrade

Nickel Mine
Leinster, WA

The Cage Winder at Leinster is the designated “secondary means of egress” for the mine. It consists of a “100 man” cage with counterweight. The Cage is used to transport the workforce into and out of the mine each shift to minimize transport time and maximise production time.

Key criteria - Safe, shortest change-over option

Winder - Double Drum, Cage and counterweight, Mine depth 1,100m with 13 operating level

Scope - Winder DC drive, Brake System, Control System, Safety System

How - To facilitate the shortest shutdown possible, a new equipment room was built and all equipment installed. This allowed the full winder systems to be pre-commissioned prior to shutting down the winder.

Learn more about the Project Scope here.

Project Scope

    • New Safety System

    • Complete Brake System replacement including callipers

    • Control System replacement

    • Conveyance communication system replacement including battery charging system

    • HV switchboard replacement

    • LV MCC replacement

    • ELV control supply replacement

    • Communication network modifications for the new systems

    • Complete winder driver control room refurbishment

    • De-construction of obsolete infrastructure to free-up space required for the project

    • Manage and coordinate Winder System vendor design and delivery

    • Coordinate Safety System specialist design and audit work

    • Manage and coordinate all site installation work

    • Coordination of all project work with site operations to minimise project impact

    • Manage and coordinate all logistics for project equipment and personnel

    • Manage all documentation and review activities

    • Complete upgrade was audited and verified to AS61508 compliance

    • Project delivered safely with no injuries

To learn more about how we can work together, get in touch with us today.


Project One: BHP Skip Winder


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