Production Winder Upgrade

Nickel Mine
Leinster, WA

Leinster production winder is the primary source of ore from the mine to the processing plant. The winder was integrated into the underground and surface material handling systems. It was essential through the upgrade process this integration was maintained.

Key criteria - Safe, lowest cost option

Winder - Double Drum, 2x 17t skips, mine depth 1,100m

Scope of upgrade - Winder DC drive, Brake System, Control System, Safety System

How - Retrofit into existing converter room after removal of old systems. This approach reduced space requirements for the equipment. The upgrades safety system was implemented initially and operated in parallel with the existing safety protection to prove correct operation prior to starting the upgrade. This reduced project execution risk for the customer.

Learn more about the Project Scope here.

Project Scope

    • Manage and coordinate Winder System vendor design and delivery

    • Coordinate Safety System specialist design and audit work

    • Manage and coordinate all site installation work

    • Coordination of all project work with site operations to minimise project impact

    • Manage and coordinate all logistics for project equipment and personnel

    • Manage all documentation and review activities

    • Complete upgrade was audited and verified to AS61508 compliance

    • Project delivered safely with no injuries

    • New Safety System

    • Complete Brake System & calliper replacement

    • Control System replacement

    • Conveyance communication system replacement & battery charging system

    • HV switchboard replacement

    • LV MCC replacement

    • ELV control supply replacement

    • Communication network modifications for the new systems

    • New drivers desk installation

To learn more about how we can work together, get in touch with us today.


Project Two: BHP Cage Winder